Cinco de Cinco

Cinco de Cinco

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Phase 1: Teller Farms North

C, D, and S met at 6pm at the north terminus of the Teller Farms trail, just west of 95th and Valmont. Pleasant weather: 55°F, sunny, and no wind. A few dog-walkers, cyclists, joggers, walkers. Plenty of red-winged blackbirds, searching for bugs along the creeks[1] that parallel the trail. Plenty of bugs, but no mosquitos yet.

Phase 2: In Situ (Trailhead Parking Lot)

Sandwiches and sunsets. Pondering camp chairs. Discussions of once and future “P3 events”, like satellite spotting, ice cream sundaes, fireflies, etc.


  1. “Creeks” along the Teller Farm Trail include the Leyner Cottonwood Ditch and Dry Creek Davidson Ditch.

Photographic Notes

  • In the image of the redwing blackbird on the branch, a spiderweb strand stretches between the two branches, just catching the sunlight.

  • The last image shows snow swirling up from the flank of Mt. Meeker, and the summit of Longs Peak rising behind Meeker as a slightly lighter shade above the ridge line of Meeker. To the left of Longs/Meeker, snow is billowing up from Pagoda Mountain and Chief’s Head Peak.