BNOSRCoalton Trail

Seven of Seven

BNOSRCoalton Trail
Seven of Seven

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

And though I came to forget or regret all I have ever done, yet I would remember that once I saw the dragons aloft on the wind at sunset above the western isles; and I would be content.
— Ursula K. Le Guin, The Farthest Shore

Phase 1: Coalton Trail

The regular crew are having some midsummer adventure in the eastern seaboard. S trekked solo up and down the Coalton Trail at sunset.

Considering the clear blue sky and temperature in the 90s, it was decided to postpone Phase 1 past the usual starting time of 6pm, to enjoy the cooler weather and sunset hues at 8pm. Along the way, meadowlarks and thistle, a few walkers and one cyclist coming down the hill. There was a fencepost with a hat and neatly-folded t-shirt. Shortly thereafter, a topless jogger.

I pondered fireworks and sunsets. Fireworks happen a few miles away; the sunset is 93 million miles away. Fireworks explosions fizzle out in a few seconds; sunset explosions take billions of years (this led to the question of the night). People ooh and ahh at fireworks; nothing oohed or aahed at the sunset, unless you count coyotes, or cows, or people (at least one).

Phase 2, 3: Home

Question of the Night

  1. What is the life expectancy of the sun?
    About ten billion years.